The Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Fehmi Mehmeti received in the meeting the head of the Secretariat of the National Council for Economic Development, Mrs. Lindita Daija and representatives of the Kosovo Insurance Association, led by Mr. Sami Mazreku, where was discussed the situation of the insurance sector in Kosovo, which has been among the sectors most affected by the situation created due to COVID pandemic. -19.

Governor Mehmeti expressed the readiness of the CBK to support the insurance sector and take all necessary measures in order to maintain the stability of this sector.

On the other hand, the representatives of the National Council for Economic Development and the Kosovo Insurance Association thanked Governor Mehmeti for his unsparing commitment so that the insurance sector continues to perform positively.

The CBK and MLSW agree to take measures to facilitate the receipt of pensions Guvernatori Mehmeti diskuton për lehtësimin e qasjes në financa me përfaqësues dhe donatorë të FKGK-së
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