
The delegation of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CBK), headed by the Governor Mr. Ahmet Ismaili, Deputy Governor Cakaj and his associates, met with the Assistant Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), at the same time Regional Advisor, Mrs. Jennifer Elliott, Mr. Sebastien Clanet, Mr. Ashraf Khan and their associates.

The meeting focused on the progress of the recommendations given by the previous IMF missions, including that of the Financial Sector Stability Review (FSSR), the Safeguard Assessment, as well as the technical assistance undertaken in recent years in the field of banking and insurance supervision, IT and cyber risks supervision, financial stability instruments, governance, as well as other areas.

The level of implementation of the recommendations given by the IMF in its missions and assessments was highly appreciated, while requests for new technical assistance were also presented, which met with the necessary understanding based on prior agreements and the necessary resources available.

The CBK expressed its special thanks to the two departments involved in the implementation of technical assistance, while it pledged further engagement in fulfilling the given recommendations.

As part of the official visit to Washington D.C., the CBK delegation will also have bilateral meetings with the heads of IMF departments involved in the implementation of reforms in legislation and the development of professional capacities.

The CBK delegation holds a meeting with the General Director for Financial Stability and Operations of the Bank of France, Mrs. Assouan Governor Ismaili met with the IMF Mission Chief for Kosovo, Mr. Amaglobeli at the IMF and the WB Annual Meetings in Washington D.C.
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