In order to maintain and strengthen the stability of the insurance sector, the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo has adopted the Regulation on the Management of Operating Expenses and Commissions of Insurers.

This regulation sets out the criteria and restrictions for managing commissions and expenses for non-life insurers, as well as defines the allowed levels of intermediation commissions and operating expenses. Implementation of this regulation will be overseen by the CBK in full through insurer reporting and on-site supervision.

Limiting spending on commissions of intermediation and operating expenses will contribute directly to improving the financial performance of this sector, and consequently to increasing insurers’ capacity to pay damages to injured parties. The adoption of this regulation is in the course of other activities recently undertaken by the CBK to strengthen the sustainability of the insurance sector.

The CBK remains committed to taking all necessary measures and actions to fulfil its legal duties, in view of the sustainable development of the financial system and the protection of the public interest.ër%20menaxhimin%20e%20komisioneve.pdf

Green card a priority topic at the meeting of the Governor with the President of Parliament, Ms. Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu CBK has organized a lecture on the securities market
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