The Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, in the meeting held on April 30, 2020, discussed issues related to the current situation in the financial system of Kosovo in general and the banking system in particular, as a result of the situation created due to pandemic Covid 19, as well as the management of this situation by the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo and the importance of the efficient functioning of the CBK during this period.

In this meeting, to the CBK Board were presented the monthly report of the Governor / CBK Executive Board and the Special Report of the Governor regarding the management of the situation due to the pandemic and functioning of the CBK.

Based on the above reports, the CBK Board considers that the financial sector in the country continues to have stable performance, be well capitalized, liquid, stable and functional in providing services to the citizens of the country.

At the same time, the CBK Board was informed on the full functionality of the CBK during this period, in terms of meeting the objectives and tasks set by the legislation in force, as well as the efficient fulfillment of additional tasks for situation management by the effects of the pandemic Covid 19.

The CBK Board supports the Governor and the CBK management in taking the necessary actions in support of the Government and other local and international mechanisms to overcome this situation as successfully as possible.

Also, in this meeting, the CBK Board has approved important regulations, which enable more efficient functioning of the financial system in the country and with a direct impact on supporting the recovery and development of the country’s economy.

Bordi i BQK-së mbështet Guvernatorin dhe menaxhmentin e BQK-së në ndërmarrjen e veprimeve të nevojshme në mbështetje të Qeverisë dhe mekanizmave tjerë vendorë dhe ndërkombëtarë për tejkalimin sa më suksesshëm të kësaj situate.

Gjithashtu, në këtë takim Bordi i BQK-së ka miratuar rregullore të rëndësishme, të cilat mundësojnë funksionim më efikas të sistemit financiar në vend dhe me ndikim të drejtpërdrejtë në mbështetjen e rimëkëmbjes dhe zhvillimin e ekonomisë së vendit.

CBK Board decisions – 30 April 2020 Governor Mehmeti met with the acting Minister of Finance and Transfers, Mr. Besnik Bislimi
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