
The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CBK) and the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund (KCGF) have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of advancing financial inclusion.

The signing of this Memorandum was made for the purpose of access to finances for Small, Medium and Large Enterprises for the functionalization of the new Diaspora Investment Window.

The Governor of the CBK, Mr. Ahmet Ismaili emphasized that this agreement is an important step and that it will contribute to the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the institution he leads.

“The advancement of cooperation with KCGF is an important step in supporting access to finances and financial inclusion. The exchange of data according to this agreement and evidence-based decision-making will also contribute to the implementation of the mandate and Strategic Plan of the CBK,” Governor Ismaili emphasized.

“This is especially important after the operationalization of the new Diaspora Investment Window. We expect all banks to engage efficiently in this window and provide sustainable support through investment financing to the economy,” added the Head of the CBK.


Whereas, the Managing Director of KCGF, Mr. Besnik Berisha said that this Memorandum of Understanding will further strengthen the cooperation between the two institutions for the benefit of the country’s economy.

“We are happy that today we are signing the amendment of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, which will further strengthen the cooperation between the two institutions for the benefit of the country’s economy and facilitating access to finance for SMEs,” said Director Berisha.

“This amendment of the Memorandum of Understanding with the CBK comes at a very important moment, when we launched the Diaspora Investment Window, which will help the smooth running and development of this window as well as all other guarantee schemes of KCGF,” concluded Mr. Berisha. In the end, the parties agreed that the Agreement expresses the will to create a stable and constructive partnership to contribute to increasing the economic stability and sustainable development of the Republic of Kosovo.

Në fund, palët u pajtuan që Marrëveshja shpreh vullnetin për të krijuar një partneritet të qëndrueshëm dhe konstruktiv për të kontribuar në rritjen e stabilitetit ekonomik dhe të zhvillimit të qëndrueshëm të Republikës së Kosovës.

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