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The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo informs the public that the banking activity of Komercijalna Banka AD Beograd – Branch in Mitrovica has come to an end.

This action comes as a result of the supervisory dialogue in the period August-September 2023, which resulted in the plan for voluntary liquidation. This plan, after revision, received the consent of the CBK on 6 October 2023, to be concluded with the decision of 9 January 2024, for the closure of branches and all sub-branches in the Republic of Kosovo, effective from 31 January 2024.

Komercijalna Banka AD Beograd – Branch in Mitrovica was licensed by CBK for operation in 2007, and has operated with the Branch in Mitrovica and eight (8) sub-branches across the territory of Kosovo.

After the deadline for banking operations with citizens expired at the end of the day on January 31, 2024, all bank deposits of citizens have been closed. Consequently, the Central Bank of Republic of Kosovo has decided to terminate the operations of this bank branch in Kosovo. Other procedures for archiving documents and handling related matters will be conducted in accordance with the current legislation.

CBK would like to thank NLB Banking Group for the cooperation and constructiveness shown in facilitating the procedures for this agreed and voluntary closure of banking activity with customers, in compliance with the laws of the country as well as the best practices, and within the agreed deadlines.

According to the estimates of CBK, currently there are sufficient bank offices, financial and non-banking institutions operating that reasonably cover the needs of the community across all cities of the country. In addition to banking and non-banking offices with physical presence, electronic/digital service channels are also accessible and offer competitive products.

CBK is committed to increasing access to finance for all social categories and throughout the territory of the country; therefore, it encourages all licensed financial institutions to increase their presence with physical branches and electronic equipment in order to provide access in as a complete and competitive manner as possible for all our citizens.

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