
The Supreme Court rejects as unfounded the request for extraordinary review of the court decision, of the claimant-proposer, the Company “Fitorja”, LLC, represented by Naser Maloku-Manager and sole shareholder of the Insurance Company, ” Kosova e Re”, JSC, filed against the decision of the Court of Appeals in Prishtina, AA no. 998/2021, dated 16.11.2021.

With the decision of the Court of Appeals in Prishtina, AA no. 998/2021, dated 16.11.2021, the complaint of the CBK was approved and the request of the proposer, “Fitorja” Company, LLC, represented by Naser Maloku-Manager and sole shareholder of the Insurance Company, “Kosova e Re”, JSC, was rejected, for postponing the execution of the decision of the respondent Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, based in Prishtina with no. 70-24 / 2021, dated 24.09.2021.

According to the review of this Court, the challenged decision of the Court of Appeals is clear, understandable and sufficiently reasoned for all the decisive facts that have resulted in its adoption, based on the legal provisions of the Law on the CBK, which regulate prohibition of the imposition and execution of any measure, before the issuance of the final court decision in any legal action filed before the courts of the Republic of Kosovo.

Decisions and activities of the Board of the CBK in the meeting of January 27, 2022 CBK participates in Constituency meetings in Budapest
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