Governor Mehmeti met with members of the Working Group on overseeing the enforcement of the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Discharge of a Public Function


The Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, Fehmi Mehmeti, met with the members of the Assembly of Kosovo, members of the Working Group on overseeing the enforcement of Law no. 06/L-011 on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Discharge of a Public Function, which group consists of the following: Ms. Albulena Haxhiu – Chairperson and Mr. Hajdar Beqa, Mr. Korab Sejdiu and Mr. Bahrim Shabani – members.

The topic of discussion at this meeting was the enforcement of Law no. 06/L-011 on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Discharge of a Public Function, by the respective CBK officials.

During this meeting, Governor Mehmeti informed the MPs on the actions the CBK has undertaken to enforce Law no. 06/L-011 on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Discharge of a Public Function. 

Governor Mehmeti informed the MPs in question that CBK, prior to the entry into force of the Law in question, has undertaken measures to prevent potential conflicts of interest situations, respectively, in the issue of preventing conflict of interest by CBK officials, initially through the legal framework, where this issue has been addressed and regulated by Law no. 03/L-209 on the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, and then in more detail by the Code of Ethics and Conduct, which is an integral part of the Policy on Labour Relations at the CBK.

Governor Mehmeti informed the MPs that in order to prevent the conflict of interest, namely enforce the Law no. 06/L-011 on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Discharge of a Public Function and upon the request of the Anti-Corruption Agency, CBK has appointed two officials as responsible for handling and resolving eventual conflicts of interest situations that may appear to the CBK staff during the discharge of their function.

Further, Governor Mehmeti emphasized that they will be consistently committed to the full enforcement of Law no. 06/L-011 on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Discharge of a Public Function and respective CBK Legislation.