Students of the Faculty of Economics at AAB College have learned about the functioning of the securities market in Kosovo.

Shkendije Nahi from the Asset Management Department at the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo has presented to the students within the Global Money Week, in the function of financial education, the manner of organizing and holding auctions of Securities and the role of the CBK in this process.

“According to the Regulation for the Primary and Secondary Market of Government Securities, debt instruments in the Securities market are: Treasury Bills – Short-term Instruments, Bonds – Long-term Instruments, Secondary Market Operations (Trading, Repos). The two main Repo operations are: Repo with CBK (“Vertical”) and Repo between banks (Primary Stakeholders) (“Horizontal”)”, stated Nahi during this lecture.

Additional and important source for the mobilization of financial assets are the opportunities for Investments in Liquid Assets, Safe Investments, Liquidity Growth in the monetary market, Competition Growth and the Base for the development of the Capital Market.

The students received information on which financial institutions are participants in the Primary Securities Market and the Secondary Securities Market, then on Securities Market Instruments, the Importance of Securities Market Development, Laws, Regulations and Repurchase Agreements, as well as the Securities Calendar.

On the other hand, Professor of International Finance Institutions, Florije Miftari, stated that the organization of lectures by the CBK for Economics students will have a good impact on learning.

The students who were present at the lecture asked various questions about how the securities market operates.

CBK limits the expenses of insurers CBK issues a Regulation enabling bank customers to make payments through POS terminals at no additional cost
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