
The Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo has followed with concern the news published on May 5, 2022 in various media regarding the anonymous letter on various allegations that according to the media was sent to the Anti-Corruption Agency.

Considering the role and importance of the CBK, as well as its reputation and credibility, the CBK Board within its competencies will act with dedication, professionalism and in accordance with the legislation in force to advance the institution in question, maintained reputation, increase transparency and accountability, including to the allegations in the anonymous letter quoted in the media as above, without prejudice to the work and responsibilities of the relevant institutions regarding those allegations.

The institutions in question, in accordance with the legislation in force, have already been officially and publicly invited by the CBK.

The CBK Board undertakes that within the competencies defined by the legislation in force it will work with dedication to clarify such and similar claims so that transparency and accountability are at the highest level.

Ensuring sound, fair and transparent decision-making based on constitutional and legal principles should and will be a pillar of the CBK’s work as a credible institution of vital importance to the country.

Governor Mehmeti wishes May 9, Europe Day Press release
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