
The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo was informed yesterday through the media of an anonymous letter sent to the Anti-Corruption Agency containing fabricated claims related to the governance of the CBK.
The CBK has consistently been governed adhering to the highest standards of professionalism, transparency and accountability.
The issues alleged in this letter are aimed at damaging the reputation of the CBK and putting this institution under pressure of the parties, who may aim to pursue narrow interests through the CBK.
The CBK has already explained before the Committee on Budget, Labour and Transfers and media the issues raised therein.
However, we hereby invite all the law enforcement agencies that may be interested in addressing these issues by investigating and uncovering the truth.
The CBK leadership is committed to protecting the integrity of the institution by not allowing certain stakeholders to advance their agendas by damaging the CBK’s reputation.

Press release from the CBK Board Governor Mehmeti congratulates journalists on World Press Freedom Day

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