
The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, in the framework of financial education and in order to mark the World Savings Day, invites students of grades six, seven, eight and nine of primary schools in Kosovo, to participate in the competition for the Best Essay for savings.

The topic is: “The importance of my savings”

Competition criteria

  • The essay must have a maximum of 1,500 words;
  • The essay should elaborate on the importance of saving for the future, show your view on the role and importance of savings, any personal story about savings, ways of saving money now versus the classic ways of saving, the attitude of young people regarding the needs for financial education, as well as the desires / goals that you try to achieve through your savings;
  • The essay should be original, creative, motivating and not copied or translated;
  • The essay must be in Albanian language.

You can only send your works by e-mail to the e-mail address: [email protected]

Subject should be: “Competition for essay”

Do no forget to enter:

– Name and surname;

– Name of the school (class / year / municipality / village / city);

– Name and surname of the parent / guardian as well as residential address;

– Contact number of parent / guardian / teacher / professor.

Deadline for submission of works is 30 November 2021

The 4 best works will be rewarded as follows:

I-st price – 200 euros,

II-nd price -150 euros,

III-rd price -120 euros, while

IV-th price – 100 euros.

The works selected as winning works will be owned by the CBK and will be used as educational material.

Those interested in additional information, can refer to the official website of the CBK www.env2.bqk-kos.org, the platform of the CBK for Financial Education http://edukimifinanciar.org or can contact us through [email protected]. After completing the procedures for selecting the best essays, only the winning students will be contacted. Successes!

CBK marks World Savings Day Euro Facts
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