
Financial Education: Get informed and make the right financial decisions

The CBK's Financial Education Program aims to increase the public's financial literacy and skills, helping them make informed decisions on financial products and services, savings and investments. Through this portal, we contribute to the financial well-being of citizens and to the maintenance of a stable financial system in the country.

Financial Education for young people


Practical Experience: A unique opportunity for Kosovo's youth to develop practical financial skills with the experts of the BQK.

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Photo-Video Gallery

A visual journey through the activities and events of the BC, providing a window into the world of financial education.

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For students

For Students: Programs and activities that pave the way to a successful financial future for university students.

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For primary school students

For primary school students: Initiatives that educate and empower students with financial knowledge and skills for money management.

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Prize - Young economists

Prize - Young economists: The competition that rewards the brightest minds and most innovative ideas in the field of economics.

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For young people

For young people: Opportunities and activities that awaken interest and develop financial skills for young people outside the formal education system.

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Educational materials


Current Account

Lexo më shumë

About financial analysis

Lexo më shumë

About business loans

Lexo më shumë

About savings

Lexo më shumë

About personal/family budget plans

Lexo më shumë

About remitnaces

Lexo më shumë

About migration

Lexo më shumë

Financial services and products

Lexo më shumë
Library of Financial Education
Discover a wide collection of educational children's books in Albanian, Serbian, Turkish and voice that help little ones learn about finances in a fun and interactive way.
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Contact Financial Education
Contact us for additional information about our programs and services on the educational financial part. We are here to help you! Contact us we are here to help you!
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Financial Education: Towards a Sustainable Future

Financial Education is the main initiative of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CEC), which aims to increase the financial knowledge of citizens to empower them in making informed decisions on financial products and services, savings and investments. Through educational programs and rich resources, we contribute to the financial well-being of the public and the stability of Kosovo's financial system. We commit to creating a strong culture of financial education, thus promoting a stronger and sustainable economy for all.

How to protect your rights
Financial institutions which operate under the CBK supervision have standard procedures on handling customer complaints. […]
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What is the payment system?
In the modern world, payments from an individual are made using cash, cards or other bank transfers. A Kosovo citizen today uses various payment instruments to send and receive funds. […]
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Frequently asked questions

How can I contact the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo?

You can contact the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo through:

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone No.: +383 38 222 055

Official mail at: Str. Garibaldi, No. 33 Prishtina, Kosovo.

Can I open an account or get a loan at CBK?

No. The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo is not a commercial bank. It does not provide banking services, it does not open accounts nor accepts deposits from the general public. CBK licenses, supervises and regulates financial institutions operating in the country.

Which are the financial institutions that are licensed, supervised and regulated by CBK?

The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CBK) has exclusive responsibility for licensing/registering, supervising and regulating financial institutions: banks, insurers, pension funds, microfinance institutions, non-bank financial institutions, insurance intermediaries, claim handlers and other legal entities which exercise financial activities as defined by the legislation in force in the Republic of Kosovo.
These are the financial institutions licensed/registered by the CBK to exercise financial activity in the Republic of Kosovo: here

Where can I get information regarding the licensing of a financial activity?

Those interested to be licensed to exercise financial activity in the Republic of Kosovo are initially advised to read the relevant licensing manuals and frequently asked questions then to contact the Licensing and Standardization Department directly at the CBK for scheduling the informative meeting, which must be held before starting with the application process.
For more information please refer to the CBK’s official website, namely the Financial Licensing menu: https://bqk-kos.org/mbikeqyrja-financiare/licencimi-i-institucioneve-financiare/?lang=en

Where and how can I get my credit history/credit status?

To be informed in more detail about your credit status, you must first apply for a credit report, which can be done in 3 ways:

Application to the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, every working day from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:00 - shall be accompanied by a copy of the ID card and the application form for the credit report which is taken at CBK or downloaded from the CBK’s official website: here

Application to any of the branches of commercial banks and through the citizen portal http://www.raportikreditor.org/ where,  after being registered, the registration form and copy of the ID card shall be printed and brought to the CBK.

Following is the link where you can get more detailed information about the credit report application: https://bqk-kos.org/?lang=en whereas following that is the link where you can find the instructions to be followed in case of disputing the data in the Credit Registry system https://bqk-kos.org/operacionet-bankare/regjistri-i-kredive/raporti-kreditor/?lang=en

We also would like to inform you that the client's history in the CBK Credit Registry is presented in the credit report in accordance with the applicable regulation. Once the criteria are met, the system automatically removes the historical information from being presented in the credit report.

*CBK does not place any client in any category and makes no change or removal of information.

Can the credit history be improved?

Data storage in the credit history system of each client is determined by the respective regulations and cannot be corrected except for special cases when there is an error in reporting.

Based on the Instruction on Credit Registry (Credit Registry ), respectively Article 13, credit data shall be kept for up to five (5) years after the last update, with the remaining amount zero. Loans classified in the category W shall be submitted up to seven (7) years after the last update with the remaining amount zero. After this period, the data shall be archived. As for updating the data, you can refer to Article 5 of this instruction.

Bazuar në Udhëzimin e Regjistrit të Kredive (Regjistri i Kredive), përkatësisht nenin 13, të dhënat kreditore do të mbahen deri në pesë (5) vite pas përditësimit të fundit me shumën e mbetur zero. Kreditë e klasifikuara në kategorinë W do të paraqiten deri në shtatë (7) vite pas përditësimit të fundit me shumën e mbetur zero. Pas kësaj periudhe të dhënat do të arkivohen. Ndërsa sa i përket përditësimit të të dhënave mund t’i referoheni nenit 5 të këtij udhëzimi.

How is the credit history created?

Credit history is the history of debt payments repayment for each credit product you owe to the bank. Credit providers are required to provide for the Credit Registry accurate, complete and timely information on each credit product of their clients.

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