In order to promote research activity among young economists, the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo announces three best research works in the field of economics and finance. The paper to be assessed as the best paper work will be rewarded with 750 euro; the second best paper work will be rewarded with 550 euro; and third best paper work will be rewarded with 450 euro. In case the submitted works fail to meet the specified criteria, the evaluation committee of the CBK reserves the right to reduce the number of works for proposed reward.
Submission rules:
1. The submitted paper may by a paper worked exclusively for this competition, but can be in the form of a (bachelor) diploma thesis; or post graduate (master) study theses; or a (PhD) doctor degree theses work.
2. The paper may have one or more authors. In cases with multiple authors, the application for the award to the CBK should be done by the lead author.
3. In cases when the paper work is intended to be a diploma thesis, the author must be currently enrolled in a graduate program, or have completed such a program no more than 12 months before the submission deadline.
4. The paper must be written in English or Albanian.
5. The work submitted must be of non-less than 4,000 words and no more than 8,000 words abstract and references included. Font type should be Times New Roman, font size 12 and space between rows should be double.
6. The abstract of the paper shall be of not more than 250 words. It shall be concise and based on facts. The abstract should clearly present the research purpose, the main findings and conclusions.
7. The selected committee consisting of CBK staff shall assess the work using the following criteria: (a) the importance of the topic on the financial system and the economy of Kosovo; (B) the overall quality of the paper, including the submission of the working hypotheses, research methodology and findings; and (c) the quality of writing.
8. The entire literature and sources used on the paper shall be appropriately identified and a full list of bibliographic references shall be presented on footnotes.
9. Submission: papers shall be submitted in electronic version and Word format at accompanied by three printed hard copies sent in the following address:
Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo,
Attn. CBK Award to Young Economists,
Garibaldi Street no. 33,
10000, Pristina,
Republic of Kosovo
Submission deadline shall be: November 15, 2016