
Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CBK) announces a competition for students of grades X-XII of Kosovo’s high schools to write papers (Essays) on their concept of savings: what are savings, how to create the habit of saving money, how to spend money in the right way, how to manage savings in the right way, etc.

The purpose of this competition is to develop knowledge and encourage students to develop an understanding of the importance of savings and proper management of personal finances.

The selection committee will evaluate the essays and select 10 of the best ones, which will be awarded with a monetary amount.

The monetary award will be: first prize – 200 €, second prize – 150 €, while the prize of 3-10 – 100 €.

Rules of admission:

1. The essay must be individual.

2. The essay must be creative work and clearly convey the message of the topic.

3. The essay can be written in Albanian, Serbian or English.

4. The essay must contain a minimum of 700 words, the writing font should be Times New Roman 12, double spaced.

5. The essay must be original work and not copied.

6. Students interested in applying can apply by submitting their essays in electronic version (PDF), to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Essays can also be sent in writing to the address below:

Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo

Department on Foreign Relations

Str. Garibaldi No. 33, 10000, Prishtina.

7.Do not forget to enter your first name, last name, school name, class, your and your parent’s phone number and e-mail!

The winning essays will be owned by CBK and will be used as educational material.

After the completion of the procedures for selecting the best essays, only the winning students will be contacted.

CBK will organize a special event to announce the best submitted works.

The last date for submission will be: 30 November 2022.

We wish you a fruitful work!

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