Regulation on country and transfer risk management principles (30.04.2024) | Banks | |
Regulation on the bank liquidity risk management (28.02.2023) | Banks | |
Regulation on reporting of banks (28.02.2023) | Banks | |
Regulation on access to payment account with basic services (20.12.2022) | Banks | |
Regulation on the liquidity coverage ratio (04.08.2022) | Banks | |
Regulation on the net stable funding ratio (04.08.2022) | Banks | |
Licensing of Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks (30.04.2020) | Banks | |
Regulation on intraday and overnight lending (30.04.2020) | Banks | |
Regulations on information technology for banks (26.03.2020) | Banks | |
Regulation on reporting of banks (26.03.2020) | | |
Regulation on directors and senior managers of banks (31.07.2019) | Banks | |
Regulation on corporate governance of banks (29.08.2019) | Banks | |
Regulation on transactions to bank-related persons and exposures to bank employees (29.08.2019) | Banks | |
Regulation on the repurchase of securities with the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (25.04.2019) | Banks | |
Regulation on credit risk management (28.03.2019) | Banks | |
Regulation on non-performing exposures and forbearance (28.03. 2019) | Banks | |
Regulation on the internal capital adequacy assessment process for banks (29.11.2018) | Banks | |
Regulation on the leverage ratio(29.11.2018) | Banks | |
Regulation on capital adequacy of banks(29.11.2018) | Banks | |
Regulation on issuance of licensing or registration certificates for financial institutions (31.08.2017) | Banks | |
Regulation on corporate governance of banks (29.12.2016) | Banks | |
Regulationon large exposures (29.09.2016) | Banks | |
Regulation on letter of credit and bank guarantee (31.08.2016) | Banks | |
Regulation on operational risk management (31.08.2016) | Banks | |
Regulation on management of interest rate risk in banking book (28.04.2016) | Banks | |
Regulation on guarantee instruments and agreements between the licensed financial institutions and Kosovo credit guarantee fund (28.4.2016) | Banks | |
Regulation on use of external credit assessments for the purpose of calculation of regulatory capital (28.01.2016) | Banks | |
Regulation on distribution of loan assets for banks (22.12.2015) | Banks | |
Regulation on Residential Mortgages Lending 22.12.2015 | Banks | |
Regulation on emergency liquidity assistance (30.09.2015) | Banks | |
Regulation on safe deposit box 30.04.2015 | Banks | |
Regulation on appraisal of immovable properties (26.02.2015) | Banks | |
Regulation on minimum security requirements (26.03.2015) | Banks | |
Capital Equivalency Deposit for Branches of Foreign Banks (31.10.2013) | Banks | |
Consolidated Supervision of Banking Groups (26.04.2013) | Banks | |
Operational Risk Management (29.11.2012) | Banks | |
Effective Interest Rate and Bank Disclosure Requirements (29.11.2012) | Banks | |
Changes in Capital Accounts (29.11.2012) | Banks | |
Liquidity Risk Management (29.11.2012) | Banks | |
Mergers and Acquisitions of Banks (9.11.2012) | Banks | |
Publication of Information by the Banks (9.11.2012) | Banks | |
Opening of a Representative Office inside and outside the Republic of Kosovo (9.11.2012) | Banks | |
Opening and Closing Inside and Outside the Republic of Kosovo of Branch Offices and Subsidiaries of Banks (9.11.2012) | Banks | |
Limits to Holdings of Real Estate and Movable Property (9.11.2012) | Banks | |
Bank External Audit (9.11.2012) | Banks | |
Foreign Exchange Risk (9.11.2012) | Banks | |
Internal Control and Internal Audit of Banks (9.11.2012) | Banks | |
Minimum Reserve Requirements (13.01.2012) | Banks | |