
Regulation on country and transfer risk management principles (30.04.2024)Banks
Regulation on the bank liquidity risk management (28.02.2023)Banks
Regulation on reporting of banks (28.02.2023)Banks
Regulation on access to payment account with basic services (20.12.2022)Banks
Regulation on the liquidity coverage ratio (04.08.2022)Banks
Regulation on the net stable funding ratio (04.08.2022)Banks
Licensing of Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks (30.04.2020) Banks 
Regulation on intraday and overnight lending (30.04.2020)Banks
Regulations on information technology for banks (26.03.2020)Banks
Regulation on reporting of banks (26.03.2020)
Regulation on directors and senior managers of banks (31.07.2019)Banks
Regulation on corporate governance of banks (29.08.2019)Banks
Regulation on transactions to bank-related persons and exposures to bank employees (29.08.2019)Banks
Regulation on the repurchase of securities with the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (25.04.2019)Banks
Regulation on credit risk management (28.03.2019)Banks
Regulation on non-performing exposures and forbearance (28.03. 2019)Banks
Regulation on the internal capital adequacy assessment process for banks (29.11.2018)Banks
Regulation on the leverage ratio(29.11.2018)Banks
Regulation on capital adequacy of banks(29.11.2018)Banks
Regulation on issuance of licensing or registration certificates for financial institutions (31.08.2017)Banks
Regulation on corporate governance of banks (29.12.2016)Banks
Regulationon large exposures (29.09.2016)Banks
Regulation on letter of credit and bank guarantee (31.08.2016)Banks
Regulation on operational risk management (31.08.2016)Banks
Regulation on management of interest rate risk in banking book (28.04.2016)Banks
Regulation on guarantee instruments and agreements between the licensed financial institutions and Kosovo credit guarantee fund (28.4.2016)Banks
Regulation on use of external credit assessments for the purpose of calculation of regulatory capital (28.01.2016)Banks
Regulation on distribution of loan assets for banks (22.12.2015)Banks 
Regulation on Residential Mortgages Lending 22.12.2015Banks
Regulation on emergency liquidity assistance (30.09.2015)Banks
Regulation on safe deposit box 30.04.2015Banks
Regulation on appraisal of immovable properties (26.02.2015)Banks
Regulation on minimum security requirements (26.03.2015)Banks
Capital Equivalency Deposit for Branches of Foreign Banks (31.10.2013)Banks 
Consolidated Supervision of Banking Groups  (26.04.2013)Banks 
Operational Risk Management (29.11.2012)Banks
Effective Interest Rate and Bank Disclosure Requirements (29.11.2012)Banks
Changes in Capital Accounts (29.11.2012)Banks
Liquidity Risk Management (29.11.2012)Banks
Mergers and Acquisitions of Banks (9.11.2012)Banks
Publication of Information by the Banks (9.11.2012)Banks
Opening of a Representative Office inside and outside the Republic of Kosovo (9.11.2012)Banks
Opening and Closing Inside and Outside the Republic of Kosovo of Branch Offices and Subsidiaries of Banks (9.11.2012)Banks
Limits to Holdings of Real Estate and Movable Property  (9.11.2012)Banks
Bank External Audit (9.11.2012)Banks
Foreign Exchange Risk (9.11.2012)Banks
Internal Control and Internal Audit of Banks (9.11.2012)Banks
Minimum Reserve Requirements (13.01.2012)Banks