The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo is an independent public institution and its primary objective is to promote and maintain a stable financial system as well as an efficient payment system
The Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Fehmi Mehmeti, congratulated all the children on their most important holiday, June 1.
Kosovo is very lucky to have very talented children and interested in gaining as much knowledge as all their peers.
The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo for many years pays great attention to the education of children in financial education.
"The situation created after the appearance of the COVID-19 virus, has limited our commitment to carrying out all the activities we have planned. Under the measures of protection from the virus, we managed to organize the International Money Week, where we shared the prizes for the best essay, on the topic of Financial Education.
Meanwhile, lectures are held in virtual form. “We remain hopeful that next year will enable us to organize our activities, which aim to increase the level of children's knowledge about money and finances," it is said in the Governor's greeting.
International Children's Day was proclaimed for the first time in Geneva 96 years ago, at the World Conference of Child Welfare in 1925
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