A two-day workshop session:


The Central Bank of Kosovo in cooperation with the international organization Child & Youth Finance International and Kosovo Banks Association is holding a two-day workshop with the theme: "Workshop on the possibility of involvement of stakeholders in financial education", in which are participating all financial institutions and various public institutions in Kosovo.
In this workshop, strengthening financial literacy is considered useful not only for citizens, for consumers, groups of interest, pupils, students and other categories, but also to the countries’ long-term interests and economic growth.

Governor of the CBK, Mr. Bedri Hamza, thanked the participants for their presence and cooperation, stressed out that one of the strategic objectives of CBK is to promote a sound development of the financial system in Kosovo and further develop the function of financial education in order to create a proper financial culture, which would help all stakeholders to take the appropriate decisions.
He stressed that the issue of financial education occupies a special role in the agenda of regulators and financial institutions.
"The sector of financial services has a powerful role in creating new jobs, easing the vital infrastructure and in bringing sustainable economic development and sustainable economic growth of the country," said Governor Hamza.
"Building a safe and proper environment for provision of financial services is one of the main strategic goals of the CBK, which has developed its own strategy for consumer protection, that focuses on providing assistance to users of financial services to take decisions by being informed correctly and in time to protect their rights ", added Hamza. Find here the Governor’s speech.
Services and products of financial sector affect the lives of every citizen of Kosovo, therefore CBK encourages all financial institutions in building a financial market that treats customers fairly, encourages financial inclusion, but also helps citizens in the effective use of financial services.
"Good management of finances is not good only for the citizens, but has also a positive effect on the long-term interests of the country and has an impact on economic growth. CBK is committed to contribute to economic growth and to work towards increasing the quality of the entire financial sector and above all to contribute to consumer protection, "said Governor Hamza.
Petrit Balija, chairman of the Kosovo Banking Association (KBA), spoke about a study conducted jointly with the World Bank from which has resulted that citizens of Kosovo are good money savers.
"A positive indication of this survey is that 71 percent of respondents showed to be interested in financial education and receiving trainings and more knowing about financial education," said Bali.
According to him, Kosovo Banking Association has held a financial education activity including a two-year project with the World Bank, which aims to educate about 3 thousand citizens through various seminars.
Karina Avakyan, representative of the Child and Youth Finance International Organization (CYFI), stressed that such trainings for financial education are eligible. Expressing her appreciation for this collaboration among others she said "I am glad that your children are already receiving such trainings".

"These trainings have started at different times, in different countries and is expected to bring a better economic future", she stressed.
During the two-day workshop many different topics were discussed on financial education manners such as: Principles of national financial education strategy, international examples of financial education programs for youth and adults, youth finances, the involvement of institutions, etc.
At the end of the workshop all participants received a certificate.